
Yay! Im SO excited because it doesnt snow in the South much. I'll post more pics when it gets light.

Ive been peeping out the window into the dark for hours now, trying to watch the flakes falling. It tapered off about an hour ago, but now its started back up again. There's already probably 3" out there now. I just hope it keeps coming, I really want it to still be falling when its light out so I can see it and be in it, lol.


  1. Giftbearer said...

    Where in the South is this? I live in Stone Mountain, GA. (near Atlanta) and am still waiting for snow. I thought it was going to snow the other day but all it was turned out to be sleet.  

  2. ritasmeeta said...

    lol! I wish all the snow would melt where I am! :P I am soooo done with it!  


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